According to the information obtained from different fields of science, all living things found on our earth have the same origin
It was unicellular and came into existence some four billion years ago
How did millions of species and types of organisms come into existence from this one-celled organism?
The theory of evolution answers this question
Some people, without studying the theory of evolution, assume that according to this theory, man was the first ape
In other words, monkeys evolved into humans
Then they ask why monkeys exist?
Why they didn't all evolve and become human is a misconception
The theory of evolution did not claim that monkeys became human, but it proved that the origin of all living beings was the same.
Organisms reproduce through sexual process and pass on their genes or characteristics to the off spring
During the transfer of these features, they also undergo minor changes
As a result of these changes over millions of years, a different species of animal finally comes into existence.
These changes are the result of mutations or changes in the DNA
Every cell of an organism contains its DNA
It can also be called blueprint or building block
In fact, it is a chemical code in the form of a chain, according to the instructions of which the cell grows and carries out its functions.
DNA is the part of the chromosome that is found in pairs in the nucleus of the cell
Each human cell has 23 pairs of chromosomes or 46 chromosomes
Twenty-two pairs are numbered from 1 to 22
The twenty-third pair is called XY in males and XX in females
This chromosome determines a person's sex (male or female).
During cell division, the process of making one to two cells, the DNA of the cell is also copied and passed on to the new cell.
Variation in DNA is caused by errors (additions, deletions, substitutions) made during copying
These mistakes are sometimes a mercy, sometimes a nuisance and sometimes harmless
An example of mercy is the mutations or changes in DNA that strengthen the human immune system to fight viruses and germs.
Also, these changes increase the human's ability to adapt to the changing environment
An example of nuisance is the changes that cause hereditary diseases in children
An example of a harmless mutation is blue eyes in humans
The mistakes or changes that occur during the copying process in an organism's DNA continue for millions of years, resulting in the organism becoming a new species of animal.
Four billion years ago, there were only single-celled organisms on Earth
Changes in DNA (which we can also call evolution) gradually led to the emergence of multicellular organisms.
Then from these multicellular organisms, organisms with more complex bodies appeared
In other words, life began with the simplest single-celled organism and then through the process of evolution, gradually more complex organisms came into being.
One of these living beings is the human being
For the convenience of those who find it difficult to understand evolution through biology or biology, we will now try to explain the process of evolution through physics and chemistry.
You probably know that there are total 118 elements in our world and among them 94 elements have natural existence
You may be surprised to know that when the universe was formed 14 billion years ago, the only element in the beginning was hydrogen
All other elements are made of hydrogen
How? If you understand this process, you will also understand the evolution of life
Like a single-celled organism, hydrogen is also the simplest element
It has only one proton or protons in its nucleus with an electron or electrons orbiting around it.
By the process of nuclear fusion, four hydrogen atoms combine to form one helium atom
The nucleus of a helium atom has two protons and two neutrons around which two electrons orbit
As if two of the four protons of hydrogen atoms are converted into neutrons
Sunlight is the result of this process
The atomic fusion of helium atoms produces lithium, beryllium, boron, carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, and other elements.
Each new element is more complex and weightier than the previous one
Even now, the universe consists of 73% hydrogen, 25% helium and only 2% of the remaining elements
Note that the elements lithium, beryllium, and boron formed from helium inside the sun are not stable and decay immediately.
Then why are these elements present in the universe?
The answer to this question is that elements are formed not only inside stars, but also from the Big Bang, neutron star mergers, the death of low-mass stars, the explosion of giant and white dwarf stars, and cosmic ray bursts.
Lithium, beryllium, and boron found on Earth and in the universe are formed as a result of cosmic ray fission.
When we were children, we thought of the stars shining in the sky as lamps
Scientific studies have revealed that stars are factories where elements are made
When all the hydrogen in a sun is converted into helium by nuclear fusion, the helium produces carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, fluorine, neon, sodium, magnesium, aluminum, silicon, phosphorus, sulfur, chlorine, argon.
Potassium, calcium and other elements begin to form
Three helium atoms combine to form one carbon atom
Carbon and helium atoms combine to form oxygen, oxygen and helium atoms combine to form neon, and helium and neon combine to form magnesium.
This process of forming heavier elements from lighter elements continues
Finally, iron is formed by the nuclear fusion of silicon and sulfur atoms
A star or sun made of iron is a sign of death
There is not enough heat or energy inside a star to convert iron into a heavier element
The star turns into a supernova and explodes
Supernova explosions release enormous amounts of heat and energy
As a result, stray neutrons penetrate the atoms of the elements in the star, turning them into elements heavier than uranium and plutonium.
Fortunately, our Sun came into existence some ten billion years after the creation of the universe
Also it is an average size star
So it has no chance of forming iron and exploding as a supernova
Since its birth five billion years ago, the Sun has converted 37% of its hydrogen into helium
It is as if the sun has spent half its life
The Sun is capable of creating about 80 elements, from helium to polonium
The Sun currently consists of 70% hydrogen, 28% helium, 1.5% carbon, nitrogen, and oxygen, and 0.5% other elements such as iron and nickel.
When all of the Sun's hydrogen is converted into helium and other elements, the Sun will first expand into a red giant star and then shrink into a white dwarf star.
The size or volume of the Sun will be equal to that of the Earth
Short Story The billions and trillions of galaxies, stars, planets, our earth and its continents, mountains, rivers, seas, lakes, forests and millions of species of plants and animals in our universe are made of all the elements and hydrogen is the element of all these elements. There is a mother
In other words, if there was no hydrogen, nothing would exist in the universe, not even life
Elements are formed from nuclear fusion processes within stars, from stellar supernova explosions, and from cosmic ray bursts.
The identity of any element is the number of protons in its atomic nucleus, also known as its atomic number
An atom of any element can be converted into another element by adding or subtracting the number of protons
For example, a platinum atom has one less proton and a mercury atom has one more proton than gold.
If a proton is added to the nucleus of a platinum atom, it will become gold
Thus, if a proton is removed from the nucleus of a mercury atom, it will also become gold
This is exactly the case with Hayat
Life on earth began with the birth of a single cell about four and a half billion years ago
Then multicellular organisms came into being through the process of evolution
Like an atom of an element, the nucleus of every cell of an organism contains DNA, which can also be called the blueprint or construction plan of that organism.
If this DNA changes over millions and millions of years, a new species of organism comes into existence
This is evolution