Banana is the most common fruit found in every corner of this world, they not only taste delicious but also have rich nutrition.

Generally doctors also recommend people to eat banana for full nutrition.

Apart from this, chefs around the world prepare many delicious dishes using banana, be it shake or cake, pudding or custard, banana can be used in all these dishes.

The amount of fiber in banana is very high while the calories are very low in it. In addition, eating banana in the morning is very useful.

But do you know that for those people who go to the gym daily and exercise regularly, banana is one of the best choices.

If bananas are eaten before or after exercise after going to the gym, it will generate energy in the body, which the body desperately needs at that time. Eating bananas before exercise is therefore considered useful, so that you Do not feel tired quickly during exercise and can exercise for a long time.

The fiber in bananas is also helpful in weight loss.

According to reports, people who go to the gym and exercise need 4700 mg of potassium per day and bananas are considered the best for this.