Naegleria fowleri:
Amoeba is a type of single-celled organism. It is a single-celled protozoa, its size is about 8 to 15 micrometers. It prefers to live in warm waters, so it is also called thermophilic, and about 45 degrees Celsius. But their growth is best done by binary fusion. They are found in swimming pools and ponds etc.
Naegleria is so dangerous that it reaches the brain through the nose and starts eating the cells there, which is called PAM.
Primary amoebic meningoencephalitis
But it should be noted that if you are drinking water that contains Naegleria fowleri, definitely PAM
It does not cause disease, but it enters through the nose and makes you sick.
They use bacteria and others as food.
Naegleria fowleri is the only species of Naegleria that is dangerous to humans.
The way to eliminate this organism is to use chlorinated water in swimming pools, and to use boiled water or chlorinated water during religious duties.
Usually, the patient with this disease dies in 7-8 days.
Symptoms of the disease:
1.Complaint of vomiting
2. Pain in the neck
3. Anxiety
4. Feeling out of sync
5.seizures anxiety
6. Hallucinations
Timely diagnosis can control the disease